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Traditional lenses force manufacturers to choose to optimize either image flatness or chromic aberration or the NA, which contributes to bright and high-resolution images. Olympus’ X Line objectives negate this trade-off – delivering market-leading image quality where each of these three pillars of quality is as solid as the others. The resulting high and uniform image quality across the entire field of view (FOV) benefits accurate diagnoses, large FOV imaging, multicolor imaging, image stitching and quantitative image analysis.

Click on this link to check detail information Optics & Accessories: https://www.olympus-lifescience.com/en/accessories/


Main features of the X Line high-performance objective series

1. A maximum NA of 1.45 provides bright, high-resolution images.

2. Improved flatness creates an observable area of 1.7 times the conventional value, which can be observed with high resolution.

3. Accurate multicolor fluorescence observation and highly reproducible observation of stained tissue specimens are achieved by correcting chromatic aberrations in a broad wavelength range of 400–1000 nm.

X Line objectives offer improved numerical aperture, chromatic aberration correction and image flatness for bright, high-quality images throughout the field of view. These benefits contribute to improved quantitative data acquisition, such as cell counting and understanding the distribution of protein in cells. In pathology research, where observing stained tissues is common, accurate color reproduction helps improve image reliability. Since high-quality images can be obtained in the entire field of view, fewer images are needed to create a stitched image of a whole tissue, helping speed up the research process.


Main features of the UPLAPO-HR super resolution and TIRF objectives

1.With a high numerical aperture of 1.5 and improved image flatness, users can obtain high-resolution images. 

2.Silicone Objectives 30/40/60/100X RI 1.40 close to that of living tissue (RI≈1.38), enabling high-resolution observations deep inside living tissue with minimal spherical aberration caused by refractive index mismatch. Silicone oil does not dry out or harden, so there is never a need to refill oil, making it ideal for extended time-lapse observations. 

3.Various 25X MP objectives in 2/4/8mm working distance and of special coating up to 1600nm transmission for 3 photon excitation 

4.XLPLN25XWMP2 & XLPLN10XSVMP with motorized collar correction for spherical aberration in deep tissue penetration 

5.UCPLFLN20XPH/0.7 WD1.8mm for the observation of plastic dishes of the cell proliferation process.

6.XLUMPLFL20XW/0.95 WD 2.0mm allows the measurement of cell membrane electric potential. XLFLUOR 2X & 4X for measuring membrane potential at the tissue level. 

7.340nm high transmission for  fura-2, indo-1, and others for Calcium Ratio Imaging or intra cellular pH measurement.








